Losing or extracting a tooth can significantly impact your life, beyond the visible gap in your smile. At Dr. Thomas Blake‘s dental practice in Santa Barbara, California, we understand that a missing tooth affects your ability to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. That’s where our dental implant services come into play – a state-of-the-art solution for those seeking to reclaim their smile’s beauty and functionality.

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant serves as a modern prosthetic, meticulously designed to replace both the root and crown of your missing tooth. This innovative solution ensures your new tooth looks, feels, and functions identically to your natural teeth. The dental implant system consists of two key components: the titanium implant post and the custom implant restoration.

The Dental Implant Procedure

Following the successful integration of the implant post with your jawbone, Dr. Blake will consult with you to determine the most suitable implant restoration. Whether you’re missing a single tooth or require a more extensive solution, our options range from individual crowns and dental bridges to complete or partial dentures. This personalized approach ensures the restoration you receive meets your specific oral health needs and aesthetic desires, enhancing both your smile and your quality of life.

Our commitment to excellence extends to the design of your implant restoration. Crafted with precision and care, each restoration aims to achieve a harmonious balance between durability and visual appeal. By choosing our dental implant services, you’re investing in a solution that promises to enhance your smile for years to come.
For a comprehensive evaluation and to explore the transformative potential of dental implant restorations with Dr. Thomas Blake, reach out to our Santa Barbara office. Begin your journey to a revitalized smile and improved oral health by scheduling your appointment today.