In our continuous quest to provide our patients with the most advanced and efficient dental care, Dr. Thomas Blake, DDS, proudly introduces the iTero Scanner to our Santa Barbara practice. This cutting-edge digital imaging technology revolutionizes the way we plan and execute dental treatments, enhancing accuracy, patient comfort, and overall treatment outcomes.

What is the iTero Scanner?

The iTero Scanner is a state-of-the-art digital scanning device that captures highly detailed 3D images of your teeth and gums. This innovative technology eliminates the need for traditional dental impressions, which can be uncomfortable and time-consuming. Instead, the iTero Scanner enables a fast, accurate, and comfortable digital scanning process, providing instant visualizations of your dental anatomy.

Benefits of the iTero Scanner:

  • Enhanced Accuracy: Digital scans offer a precise map of your mouth, improving the fit and effectiveness of dental restorations like crowns, bridges, and aligners.
  • Comfortable Experience: Say goodbye to the discomfort of conventional impression materials. The iTero Scanner’s non-invasive process makes dental visits more pleasant.
  • Efficient Treatments: With real-time 3D images, the iTero Scanner speeds up the treatment planning process, allowing for quicker turnaround times on dental appliances and restorations.
  • Improved Patient Involvement: Patients can view their dental scans immediately, facilitating a better understanding of their oral health and treatment options.

The iTero Scanner in Action:

Whether you’re considering Invisalign® aligners, need a dental crown, or planning other restorative or orthodontic treatments, the iTero Scanner plays a crucial role in achieving the best results. Its precise imaging capabilities ensure that your dental restorations and appliances are custom-fitted to your unique dental structure.

Why Choose Dr. Thomas Blake for iTero Scanner Treatments?

At the dental office of Dr. Thomas Blake, DDS, we’re committed to embracing technologies that elevate the quality and comfort of your dental care. Our adoption of the iTero Scanner reflects our dedication to offering the latest advancements in dental technology. Our team is trained to maximize the benefits of this technology, ensuring that every treatment is guided by precision and tailored to meet your individual needs.

Ready to Experience Advanced Dental Care?

Embrace the future of dental care with the iTero Scanner at Dr. Thomas Blake, DDS, in Santa Barbara, CA. Experience the difference of digital precision in your next dental treatment. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and discover how our advanced imaging technology can contribute to a healthier, brighter smile.